
How Holonym works

Actors and actions in Holonym

At a high level, the Holonym system can be understood in terms of the following actors and actions.


  • User. Someone who receives credentials and prove facts about themselves, often for the purpose of fulfilling requirements set by an organization.

  • Issuer. A party that issues credentials to users. In the process of issuing credentials, an issuer may use 3rd party identity providers to verify users' identities.

  • Consumer. A party that modifies its users' access or actions based on the facts its users have proven about themselves using. For example, an organization may require its users to reside in a certain country in order to vote on certain proposals.


  1. Issuer issues a credential to a user. In the user flow, this step is called "issuance".

  2. User proves facts about themselves using their credentials. In the user flow, this step is called "proving".

  3. Consumer allows a user to access something or to perform an action, depending on what the user has proven.

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